How does it feel to be an Amputee. How does it feel to loose the use of an arm,leg or both. How does it feel to see others do the thing you want so badly to do. We leave home and call a bike to take us to our destination without a safety gear or harness. Our faith, that God is with us and nothing will happen.

We enter a bus to get home from work, the bus driver is driving like a complete manic with a mission to get to his bus stops on time. We smile inwardly and enjoy his bravado and insult those who get in the way of his drivng, we fear nothing. Why should we fear when God is with us nothing will happen.

We drive out for a night on the town, and do the thing that makes that nation great and crazy. We drink to stupor and get behind the wheel, performing daring moves and flooring the gas on port hole riddled roads while being cheered by our friends in the back sit. Why worry, god is with us.
Life does not end because we lose an arm or a leg or both.Life does not end because we were born lacking the ability to move. Life does not end because a small err on a bike or collusion by a bus with another vehicle or that we didn't see that deep port hole in time and we loose a a limb or both.
Life makes us consider the fragility of the human body, how little bumps, scrapes and fractures can leave us immensely immobile. How during those periods, disease creeps in due to err or natural occurrence to rob us of the use of an injured leg or hand.
Life is hearing the news that they will have to amputate and considering two choices. Continue with possible solutions or die. Life lies in taking the better decision.
The one that tells you "After this i will live and find a way".
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