There is a lot that needs to be said about the plight of amputees in Nigeria, but most times the basics are left unsaid. How does one become an amputee, if asked this most people will say it comes about by the loss of a limb be it an arm or leg or both through accidents. We tend to overlook the story of how someone came to be without a limb, and what can be done to help such a person live a fulfilled life. We forget that they just went through a painful procedure and are reminded about the trauma of the procedure, every time they look at what they have lost. It was not easy for the individual, some of them come out of it stronger, and some come out of it scarred for life, others….. What is it all about, is there hope for these people. The answer is, yes. One just needs to look at countless cases online of people with disabilities or amputations leading a normal life. You might say but that the US, Britain, China and some other developed countries of the world. Yes true, there things ar...